Today is a day that we at Datagran were waiting for. Today we are launching 2 major features that will start to define the future of our company:

  1. Pipelines 2.0
  2. REST API Integration

Why are they important?

Pipelines 2.0:

This new version is not only a major revamp in the product design and UX, it is also a major re factor of our code base. It implements a more optimized, secure and faster experience for all of our clients.

Pipelines 2.0 introduces a more intuitive way of running pipelines taking us closer to achieving our objective of being the fastest and easiest platform for descriptive and predictive analytics.

The new pipeline codebase will also set the standards for new features coming in versions 2.1 and on like real time logs, Jupyter Notebook, comments in the canvas, keyboard shortcuts and many more.

Watch a short demo of our new pipelines experience here

REST API Integration:

From now on, you can create and customize your own integration in Datagran. With the REST API integration you will be able to make a POST request to Datagran and insert data with a given schema. This will give developers the flexibility to not only send the data they want and need but it will also give them the ability to integrate any App available in the market.

For more information on how the integration works visit our documentation here.

Finally we would like to announce that we are launching 2 very important Integrations that add to our current portfolio of Integrations:


Shopify clients will now have the chance to run descriptive and predictive analysis on their stores with all the flexibility that Datagran has to offer.

Vtex (Coming next week):

Vtex is currently the most important enterprise commerce platform in Latin America. With more customers creating their stores in Vtex we considered it a priority to bring it to our portfolio of Integrations.

With the Vtex integrations clients will be able to ingest all the data regarding their store to make descriptive and predictive analytics.

Besides these two integrations, we are currently working on these additional integrations:

Facebook Pages



Please let us know if you have any questions and if you happen to try any of these new features please let us know how your experience was. We are listening.